Sunday, June 21, 2015

Blueberry Vodka cocktail

I'm not much of a drinker, but once in a while is ok. If your on #sixweekslimdowm wine is off the menu! So, get creative with vodka and a bit of fruit and soda water. I like frozen fruit such as blueberry. A dash of stevia if you want it sweeter. #healthycocktails #moderation is key as always! Enjoy and happy first day of Summer break!! 

Raw Empenadas

Raw empanadas! These are made from a flax seed and zucchini "crust" and filled with spicy ground walnuts and cabbage.. From 118 degrees in Costa Mesa. Yum! 😋 #sixweekslimdown and #cleanandgreen friendly! How many colors are on your plate today?? 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Hemp Seed Pesto

This is going in my cuisinart and about to become an amazing dish of hemp pesto. I must sound like a broken record but I can't tell you enough how much hemp can help your body.  It's a great source of omega three fatty acid's and has very strong anti-inflammatory effects. What's on your plate today? Food is medicine!