Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A treat that tastes good and makes you look even better!

Superfood Antiaging Trail Mix for your sweet tooth and to keep you healthy and young! Goji increases the production of the anti-aging antioxidant called superoxide dismutase that protects skin. Goji berries are said to be an overall anti aging food because it protects the skin, eyes, and nervous system. It is also used to prevent gray hair.  It can boost testosterone production and help with erectile dysfunction and ward off senility. We also added raw Almonds for Vitamin E abd extra protein that helps skin, hair, nails and sugar free Lilly's chocolate chips plus pink salt for minerals. 

 1 cup sliced raw almonds

1 cup goji berries 

1/2 c Lilly's sugar free dark chips

1tbsp Himilayan sea salt

More on using food as medicine at check out the online programs!

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