Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Chocolate Every Day!

Nicole Carter
The Wellness Experience


Would it be hard to convince you to eat a little bit of chocolate every day?  Most people trying to lose weight consider chocolate a serious no-no.  However raw cacao was originally used as a health tonic especially for the digestive system and for the kidneys as well as for health conditions such as anemia, fatigue, fever, low sex drive and respiratory problems.

Cornell University food scientists discovered that cocoa powder has nearly twice the antioxidants of red wine, and up to three times the antioxidants found in green tea.  Raw cocoa has the highest antioxidant value of all the natural foods in the world!
Cacao is one of the highest sources of flavonoids, potent antioxidants that have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and other aging diseases.  The high antioxidant levels have also been shown to have a beneficial and protective affect on the skin and may protect again sun damage and even skin cancers as well as improve skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and burn.

The chemical components in cacao and their effects are impressive and include:

anandamide - a euphoric substance
arginine - a natural aphrodisiac
neurotransmitters - stimulate and balance brain activity
tryptophan - an anti-depressant
antioxidants and other beneficial compounds known to have rejuvenating and anti-ageing elements.
Magnesium- essential for helping the heart to pump blood efficiently, building strong bones, and lowering blood pressure. (may explain the strong desire for chocolate during the female menstrual cycle)
sulphur – a mineral responsible for healthy skin, nails and hair.
Theobromine – may help with coughs

Dark chocolate can also help you lose weight! Because it has appetite-suppressant properties, cocoa is often added to weight loss products to help control hunger.
While you may have been told that chocolate is “fattening”, the truth is that the fats found in cocoa butter are actually healthy fats! Cacao contains oleic acid, a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat which is also found in olive oil and is believed to raise the level of the “good cholesterol” known as HDL cholesterol (the acronym HDL stands for “High Density Lipid”).

When it comes to chocolate, we are talking about the purest, unpolluted form of chocolate called cacao.  This is harder to find and is a far cry from a Hershey bar, however it still is chocolate! Cacao is naturally bitter, when consumed in its raw state cacao nibs.  But you can get all the benefits of cacao in dark chocolate and it only takes a very small amount consumed regularly.

Despite it’s benefits, chocolate is still high in calories so it should be eaten early in the day.  Since cacao naturally contains low levels of caffeine, consuming too late in the evening could potentially interrupt your sleep. Eat small amounts (less then ½ ounce) each day after lunch.  Enjoy this treat daily and known that you are doing something great for your body, guilt free.

Here’s my Fast and Easy Sugar Free Chocolate Recipe

1 c coconut oil, melted
1/2 cup monk fruit power
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
1 tsp Himilayan Sea Salt
Sliced raw almonds (0ptional)
Get more info on healthy eating with my FREE MEAL PLAN at www.healthywithnicole.com

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