Monday, January 25, 2016

5 Foods for Amazing Skin!

We all know that eating healthy makes you look good. Healthy foods keep you fit, helps build muscle, fight off illness and make you sexy! Yes its true, certain foods make your skin look amazing.. So try adding these to your diet pronto!
  1. Turmeric – Turmeric contains curcumin, and powerful anti-inflammatory that is considered to be one of the most useful and most powerful herbs used in they Ayurvedic tradition. Curcumin also kills bacteria in the body, as well as the fungus Candida Albicans and helps to rebalance the body’s natural flora.
  2. Chia Seeds – Omega 3 fatty acids, anti-inflammatory, moisturize and fiber for detox. Omega 3 fatty acids give moisture to the skin and help to keep it pliable thus reducing wrinkles. Chia seed is also a detoxifying fiber, which can bind to toxins in the digestive system and help carry them out of the body. Too much toxins in the body can show up in the skin as acne, rashes and other skin disorders.
  3. Whole Eggs - Egg yolks are also a source of biotin, a B-complex vitamin, which is needed for healthy skin and nails. The food is well documented, the supplement not so much [ University of Maryland Medical Center]. I learned something interesting here, that raw egg whites can interfere with the body's absorption of biotin, so better to eat it WITH the yolk. The yolk also contains lecithin, which is an emollient that softens the skin. Try an egg yolk beaten with some olive oil for an inexpensive hair mask.
  4. Beets – Beets help prevent the signs of aging, helps with pigmentation such as melasma and clears acne. In studies, it was shown that the high levels of folates and antioxidants could decrease the depth and severity of skin wrinkles by 60%!  This is best accomplished by eating beets (or drinking beet juice)
  5. Walnuts - The primary nutrients that make fish so good for your complexion are zinc and Omega 3 fatty acids. Increasing omega-3 intake can reduce dryness and inflammation. Inflammation can cause skin to age faster, and research shows that getting too little omega-3 may contribute to inflammatory disorders like eczema and psoriasis [source: University of Maryland Medical Center]. Dry skin should always be avoided because skin is more prone to wrinkles when it’s consistently dry.

Notice that all of these items are FOODS! You can never go wrong using real foods. Let food be your medicine!
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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Time to get kids to eat healthy!
Sign up now

Yes, it's true.... kids can be really tough to get veggies into!
If you have had trouble getting your kids to eat veggies, your not alone! Kids usually have a taste for sweet things, which usually does NOT include veggies. I suggest letting kids pick out their own fruits. Most kids love this, and you can have a lot of fun turning them loose in the produce section, or even in an Asian market!
Sign up now

Instead of FORCING your kids to eat foods they don't want, give them to opportunity to make choices (but make all the choices healthy).  This creates a more relaxed environment for both parents and kids, and allows parent to still get nutrition into the kids. Get a CLEAN EATING KIDS MEAL PLAN HERE!

Six Week Slim Down is healthy for both parents and kids, get started today!
For a clean eating meal plan and Nicole's FREE RECIPES VISIT

Monday, January 18, 2016

Don't do a miserable detox!

Do you think you need to starve yourself and be miserable to detox?? Nope! While there are some changes that have to be mean, you can still have delicious food. It's all in the foods you choose. Every plant food has a purpose.

 "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" said Hippocrates...

 Clean and Green Detox is a plant based program that trains your body to release food addictions as well as stimulate the body's natural cleansing process! 
Introducing the five-week clean and green detox program! 
Five - weekly lessons that include 
1. detoxifying your diet- learning what and how to eliminate
2. detoxifying your organs using specific foods and herbs, 
3. detoxifying your beauty routine and learning how to make homemade skin care, 
4. detoxifying your home to learn how to keep your space clean and healthy and 
5. detoxifying the body through each and practices for complete cleansing program.

All 5 weeks with materials included is $120. Register now! Program begins Wednesday's Jan 27th 11:30am for 5 weeks (skip February 17th) @trainingcampfit 
Sign up at

Can't make it? Take it online at

#eatclean #cleaneating #clean #food #herbalmedicine #herbs #detox #essential oils #healing #vegan #plantbased

Monday, January 11, 2016

Using Foods To Detoxify The Body When people say they want to do a "detox" program or a "cleanse" it usually means they have been eating too much junk and want to lose weight and/or feel better. Poor foods often create poor digestion which leaves you feeling bloated and sluggish because your digestive system IS your body's way to detox. At least partially... Your body already has an internal cleansing system, its called the Excretory System. It includes several organs that excrete something that cleans itself and the body. So what are they? Lungs Liver Kidney Colon Skin So how do you foods help here? All of these organs can be affected by food. Most notably is the Liver and Colon. However all of these organs should be addressed and assisted for a true cleansing process. Even though cleansing and detoxification does NOT require abstaining from food, reducing of solid foods can help alleviate digestive functions temporarily, which gives your digestive system a rest and helps your stomach empty all solid materials completely. We are meant to run on food, and our body's clean themselves. Instead of fasting, perhaps a more gentle way of cleaning the body can be accomplished with specific plant foods, essential oils, medicinal teas and ancient practices. Learn how to use these at the first every LIVE - Clean and Green Detox program. Coming January 28th. The program includes 5 weeks of guided detoxification using the above modalities. See below for event details If you are looking for a more simple detox with an emphasis on weight loss, Six Week Slim Down, might be the one for you! Liver Detox Dandelion Greens Salad 1 bunch French Dandelion Greens 1/2 C. Cherry tomatoes, halved 1 hard boiled egg, quartered 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp lemon juice 1/2 tsp sea salt 1 tsp nutritional yeast. Toss all ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Water For Weight Loss

Does water really help you lose weight?? Yes, it actually does. Drinking water helps
1. Reduce appetite and cravings
2. Improve liver function (where enzymes are)
3. Helps to reduce water retention which is one step closer to the lean look
4. Helps you feel full longer
5. Improves digestion so you assimilate more and eliminate more.
How much water? Half your body weight, in oz. so if you weigh 200lbs, half is 100, 100oz a day. Yep it's a lot but you'll need it, especially if your taking Six Week Slim Down because you lose weight fast (fat stores toxins) 
There's more venues to water intake. Watch for the newsletter or sign up to get it at
Take the Six Week Slim Down here:
#healthy #weightloss #wellness #sixweekslimdown

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Help Others Find Health

Take care of yourself, then those around you. Good advice from the airline flight attendant! This is true, however once we get ourselves situated it's time to start helping others. There so many people that need help I need directions to get there health on track. Just look around you and you will see thousands of people that are overweight, have illnesses that need your help. Sign up to be a Wellness Experience Afilliate, it's free. Share the program with others and earn money. Simple. 
Here's the link:

Saturday, January 2, 2016

For wellness business owners!

Are you a fitness trainer, health coach or gym owner and want to add to your current revenue without spending a penny?  The Wellness Experience offers a digital diet plan that eyou can simply refer clients to and get paid commission. It's an easy add on to any health business! Just use the link below to register as an affiliate and add the link to your marketing materials. When someone signs up using your code, you get paid! No costs and no limitations. Here's the link... 

6 Week Slimdown Intro

Your Nee Years plan begins today!

Today is the day!! Six Week Slim Down digital opens now! Time to get rid of all those bad habits and begin the new ones!! I'm so excited to share this project with you all finally!