Monday, January 11, 2016

Using Foods To Detoxify The Body When people say they want to do a "detox" program or a "cleanse" it usually means they have been eating too much junk and want to lose weight and/or feel better. Poor foods often create poor digestion which leaves you feeling bloated and sluggish because your digestive system IS your body's way to detox. At least partially... Your body already has an internal cleansing system, its called the Excretory System. It includes several organs that excrete something that cleans itself and the body. So what are they? Lungs Liver Kidney Colon Skin So how do you foods help here? All of these organs can be affected by food. Most notably is the Liver and Colon. However all of these organs should be addressed and assisted for a true cleansing process. Even though cleansing and detoxification does NOT require abstaining from food, reducing of solid foods can help alleviate digestive functions temporarily, which gives your digestive system a rest and helps your stomach empty all solid materials completely. We are meant to run on food, and our body's clean themselves. Instead of fasting, perhaps a more gentle way of cleaning the body can be accomplished with specific plant foods, essential oils, medicinal teas and ancient practices. Learn how to use these at the first every LIVE - Clean and Green Detox program. Coming January 28th. The program includes 5 weeks of guided detoxification using the above modalities. See below for event details If you are looking for a more simple detox with an emphasis on weight loss, Six Week Slim Down, might be the one for you! Liver Detox Dandelion Greens Salad 1 bunch French Dandelion Greens 1/2 C. Cherry tomatoes, halved 1 hard boiled egg, quartered 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp lemon juice 1/2 tsp sea salt 1 tsp nutritional yeast. Toss all ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!

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