Friday, October 30, 2015

Sustainable Eating

What Is Sustainable?
·      Food or resources able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed
·      involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources
·      able to last or continue for a long time
Problems we face
·      Water availability
·      Land space for farming
·      Increased Toxic Load from pesticides, fertilizers and animal wastes
Double Burden: The World Health Organization
There are now over a billion people in the world who go hungry and about the same number of people who are overweight. The WHO calls this "the double burden" and they are both linked through inequality.
"Cheap" food ignores health and the environment. 'Sustainable' food takes into account environmental, health and social concerns.  
Facts and Figures
1.     It takes 2500 gallons of water to produce 1 b of steak, and 25 to product 1lb of wheat. (John Robbins)
2.     It takes 1 gallon of water to produce 1 almond, and almost 5 to produce 1 walnut (John Robbins)
3.     Sustainable Table –
What we can DO to live more sustainable:
1.     Eat less meat – meat production requires large amounts of water and produces huge amounts of toxic waste
2.     Buy pasture raised meats and eggs – animals raised in pastures are able to eat naturally and have less disease than those in traditional agriculture conditions.
3.     Use less nuts – nuts require large amounts of water
4.     Buy locally grown – reduces the use of transportation costs
5.     Buy from small farms  (crop rotation and intercropping
CDC’s Suggestions that we choose food that
  • Does not harm the environment
  • Supports and preserves rural communities
  • Is healthy and nutritious to eat
  • Respects farm animals
  • Provides farmers with a fair wage
  • Is free of added toxins
  • Is grown in the local community
  • Does not harm the health of farm workers
Here are 5 Shopping tips to help you SHOP more sustainable!
1.     Buy Wild Caught fish, grass fed beef, pasture raised chicken and eggs.
2.     Buy organically grown produce
3.     Buy local foods including (raw) milks when available.
4.     Shop at your farmers market for as many items as possible.
5.     STOP buying foods produced in other countries.

Nicole Carter
The Wellness Experience

Monday, October 19, 2015

Why Calorie IN versus Calorie OUT is failing! Follow these 2 Tips for weight loss!

The word calorie is defined Calorie as:  the heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water from 0 to 1°C. In 1887 the word was used to describe food energy from a popular article published in Century magazine, at the time a mainstream publication.  This went on to be listed in the Farmers Bulletin 23 in 1894, which is where the idea of every food being attached to a measure called calories. To put this into perspective, during this time Heroic medicine was still a part of the health care system, which included bloodletting and numerous other now outlawed practices.
Today, it is required that every packaged food contains a label indicating the calories, fat, protein, sugar and other pieces of information about the food. While this is helpful to consumers to teach about food density, and give them an informed choice about food, its most valuable attribute is the ability for consumers to see the ingredients in the product.  Therein lies the most important factor for human health. Food quality, not quantity.
As we try to battle the obesity epidemic in the U.S. we continue to be defeated as the low fat, low-carb, calorie counting, and other useless strategies fail people.  It’s time to take a real look at food quality, and be more demanding with our government and manufacturers about what is in our food. Or better yet, bypass the manufacturers entirely and eliminate all processed foods from our diets completely.
But wait, how would we then know what is healthy and what is not if that whole food did not have a label on it????  It's really simple. We teach people the value of foods, not how to count calories.  For more on eating healthy Watch the Interview On Nutrition Here!
If calories were only thing that mattered to stay healthy we could be each given a budget of calories each day to maintain. If we go beyond the budget, we gain weight, and if we go below we loose weight. It is true that 3500 calories equals a pound, but then why are people not loosing fat on a 1200-calorie diet? We have to move more and eat less. However if you have even been on a calorie-restricted diet you know how hard it is to battle the appetite! Eating less is difficult when the foods you choose are of poor quality.
We must be able to eat more quantity, yet take in fewer calories if we want to feel full and loose weight.
Here are 2 very basic ways to focus on quality and stop counting calories and STILL loose weight.
1.     Every time you eat, at least ¾ of your plate should be low glycemic vegetables. This means non- starchy veggies. The rest of your plate should contain lean protein, and a bit of plant based fat (avocado, nuts, seeds, eggs)
2.     We eat when we are hungry, but never overfill ourselves. Stop eating when you feel satisfied, don't wait until your stuffed!
Get more help with weight loss and getting healthy

Nicole Carter
The Wellness Experience

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What's in your lunch?

Sometimes we have an image in our head of what's healthy and what's not. Perhaps it's time to take a closer look at our foods!

So here are the problems with this seemingly "healthy" lunch..

1. It contains little protein, and what's there is probably highly processed with additives.

2. It contains bread- processed grain, likely wheat. This can aggravate candida related illness and increases glycemic load, contribution to weight gain. 

3. The amount of fruit for a meal is too large if your trying to loose weight.

4. It contains cheese, which causes digestive inflammation among other problems.

5. Hardly any vegetables save for 1 flimsy piece of lettuce.

And a bonus 

6. It's all wrapped in plastic- plastics contain chemicals that can off-gass and leach into foods even if it's not directly touching.

Friday, October 9, 2015

5 ways to get your kids to eat more good food and less junk!

1.     Monkey See Monkey Do – Kids will most likely eat what they see parents, teachers and other peers eat. You can influence them by setting a good example and eating lots of FRESH and REAL WHOLE foods!
2.     Give options – I always liked to give my kids enough options so that they if they don't like something, they don't feel forced to eat it. Never force your kids to eat something! That will only guarantee that they will NEVER want to eat it.
3.     Make it fun, food play- Depending on the age of your kids, you can play with cutting foods into fun shapes and getting create with shapes and designs with food.
4.     Let them choose – We tend to do the grocery shopping while kids are at school or at home because it can be stressful with so many requests! However, kids can be helpful and get in on the shopping fun by helping to choose produce. I ask my kids to pick at least 1 thing from the produce section. (it has to look like it was grown that way) then we cook it together at home.
5.     Educate them – I tell my kids what processed foods and sugars do to them. My daughter and I have had the discussion of “pretty” food versus “ugly” food. The ugly foods are obviously those that can cause weight gain and acne (processed foods and sweets). The pretty foods will of course make you gorgeous! Those are all the fruits, veggies and lean proteins.
How do you influence others?

Nicole Carter
The Wellness Experience

Thursday, October 8, 2015

5 tips for flatter tummy

5 tips to get your tummy's easier than you think!

1. Ditch dairy - dairy causes bloating and inflammation. Even just stopping dairy one day you'll notice a difference.

2. Eat low glycemic - not only do sugars and breads and pastas cause weight gain but all highlighting what foods cause your body to hold onto fat which makes it tough to see your abs.

3. Take magnesium at bedtime. - taking magnesium when you go to bed helps you to sleep better but also makes a huge impact on whether or not you have good elimination habits.

4. Take digestive enzymes. - digestion is often slow or sluggish due to the lack of enzymes that should be in food but are often lost your cooking a processing. Taking digestive enzyme's help to process the food and also help you to get more nutrients assimilated into your body from your food.

5. Do core centered exercise. - this is the obvious one. Just focus your exercise on your core to help it to get stronger and flatter the best exercises are barre, Pilates and yoga.

I teach all of this in my Six Week Slim Down Course in great detail.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Fast Easy Mornings

Do you ever miss your morning muffin and coffee?? I don't eat "muffins" anymore, except these. Super easy, versatile and fast... Perfect for Six Week Slim Down! 

Use 6 whole eggs plus six egg whites, whist in seasons such as salt and pepper. Then add minced veggies (leftover from dinner is fine) and a bit of goat cheese if you like or fresh herbs. Bake in lines and sprayed muffin cups 350 degrees for 20 min. Makes about 1 dozen.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reinvent your life

Do you ever find those photos that you just never want anyone to see? I found this one today and after talking with a lady in my class who felt she couldn't get her body in shape, so I thought this would be inspiring. 

She couldn't believe that I was once 147 pounds and a size 12 but it's true. At the time I was 21 (left) I was exercising, and I really didn't think I was eating that badly. But now at 41(right) I actually exercise less than I did at that time eat better than I did at that time and feel better than I have in my entire life. I weigh between 111-115 and size 0/2. It did take me some time to figure it out but once I did I have been able to control my body and my health. And after going to graduate school and learning about disease I put together all of my knowledge and offer to people to help them do the same thing. One of the transformation programs I developed is the #sixweekslimdown and it's been very popular! You can learn more about the work that I do and how it can help you at